
hos.jpgThe video: [In this physical place] it is not easy for most of you to hear these words regarding creating through thought and to accept them wholly in the beginning — for you live in a physical world and you have seen so many taking action to make everything happen. And certainly we do not deny that action is an integral part of the physical world in which you live. But we do say that if you are utilizing the power of your thought to pre-pave or to set forth thought in advance of what you are wanting to receive – and as you are walking through space and time into your now, you will not have so much action to take to get things the way you are wanting them to be.

We have called this the Law of Deliberate Creation because we are assuming that you are wanting to create on purpose. But actually, it is more aptly called the Law of Creation — for it works whether you are thinking of what you are wanting or thinking of what you are not wanting; whether you are thinking of what you are wanting, or you are thinking of the lack of what you are wanting. The direction of your thought is your choice, and the Law of Creation goes to work upon whatever it is that you are thinking about.

And so as we are speaking of this we are wanting you to understand that there are [seemingly] two parts [to manifestation] of it — since you are now in this physical existence. If you were here in the nonphysical, focused as we are, you would notice only half of the equation applying — for there is only the giving of thought and receiving them [manifestation] simultaneously. But here in this [physical] dimension — with the buffer of time — there are [appears to be] two parts of the equation. On the one hand, the launching of the creation, with emotion [to speed it] — and then on the other hand, the expecting or the allowing or the receiving of that which has been launched in the first place, [you see.]

We have noted that your hospitals are filled to the brim with those who are taking action to compensate for inappropriate thought. They did not create the illness on purpose but they did create it through thought, and through expectation [empowered with their emotion.] And then, they go to the hospital to take physical action to compensate.

We see many spending their day exchanging their action for dollars because the dollars are essential to the freedom of life in this society. And yet [we know that] in most cases the action is not action in Joy — [and yet,] it is a compensating action in the now.

[So what we are wanting to do with this recording is to stimulate you to the awareness that of course you are taking action now.] You have intended action. That is part of the deliciousness of this physical world in which you live. But you did not intend to do your creating through action. You intended to do your creating through thought, and to enjoy that which you have created with your body. If you understand that as you set forth thought in advance with emotion, you have launched your creation — and then you walk through space and time toward that time in the future expecting that it will be there. Then we say to you, from that Joyful creation that you have launched into the future, you will be inspired to the action that is action in Joy. — [and that is our point.] When you are taking action in your now, and it is not action in Joy, it is our absolute promise to you that it will not lead to a happy ending. It cannot. It defies law.

[So we say that] rather than being so ready to jump into action, to do, to go and get the things that you are wanting, we say: think them into being, see them, visualize them and expect them — and they will be. And you will be guided, or inspired, or led to the perfect action that will bring about the process that will lead you to that which you seek.

There is a great difference between that which we have spoken, and the way most of the world is going about it. [And that is our point.]

*italicized words will appear only in the book.

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hos.jpg The video: We come forth not to get you to believe anything. We see great diversity in that which you believe. And in all of that there is perfect balance. And so we come forth not to alter your beliefs but to reacquaint you with the eternal laws of the universe. And we are here to express all of that to you in detail.

If you knew your potential to feel good you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all of that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world or control your mate or control your child. You’re the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you. No one else can do it– it is only you. Every bit of it you.

There is only a stream of well being that flows, [you know.] It is a stream of pure positive energy. And the universe all that we know is abundant with only that. This is a world that is based upon well being and well being dramatically abounds.

And when you are allowing that stream to flow in its fullness you feel very very good. And when you’re pinching it off a bit you feel not so good. There is only a stream of goodness or well being which you are allowing or not. And your magnificent emotions are telling you what the mix is, how you’re doing in your allowing or your resisting of this connection.

Self empowering message from esther hick:

All of Esther’s scenes are either removed or not in the recent Secret edition. Abraham’s reasons are explain on the video at the bottom of this page.

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Over three months we have added over 18 videos under the username MasterTiesto and MTiesto all about Esther Hicks channel.  Many were deleted or offline because they didn’t meet expectations.

Some of the expectations are based on how well people accept the idea of channeling. Some have sent private emails saying that they’ve never like the idea of channeling but have now accept channeling after seeing the videos.

The other objective is to convey the messages in a convincing way. For those of you who are interested in more of Abraham’s teaching, Esther and Jerry do have a more detailed copy of the recordings. Sadly, many of the recordings are abridged. They are sold thru http://www.abraham-hicks.com

Many people have said that they love the voice of Abraham thru Esther. You can’t really replace her voice. They’re very clear, chilling and amazing, IMO. And every time you listen to them, a new meaning will come thru.

In the work of Napoleon Hill there is also a strong ethical base – a whole philosophy of life and living that supports the teachings of Abraham.

Abraham's Closing Words - Esther Hicks

Abraham’s Closing Words – Esther Hicks

Added: 2 months ago
Views: 4,493

Vibrational Interpretation - Esther Hicks Abraham

Vibrational Interpretation – Esther Hicks Abraham

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Views: 10,769

Relationships and Agreements - Esther Hicks Abraham

Relationships and Agreements – Esther Hicks Abraham

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Views: 5,390

0prah Interviews Esther Hicks and Abraham (radio preview)

0prah Interviews Esther Hicks and Abraham (radio preview)

Added: 2 months ago
Views: 9,735

Law of Deliberate Creation - Esther Hicks Abraham

Law of Deliberate Creation – Esther Hicks Abraham

Added: 3 months ago
Views: 17,250

A Self Empowering Message - Esther Hicks Abraham

A Self Empowering Message – Esther Hicks Abraham

Added: 3 months ago
Views: 43,290

Abraham's Grand Introduction - Enigma Esther Hicks

Abraham’s Grand Introduction – Enigma Esther Hicks

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Views: 15,091

0prah Interviews Esther and Abraham (duplicate video)

0prah Interviews Esther and Abraham (duplicate video, may be deleted)

Added: 2 months ago
Views: 1,513

A Self Empowering Message - Esther Hicks (version2)

A Self Empowering Message – Esther Hicks (version2 not very great)

Added: 3 months ago
Views: 332

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